
  • How do I open a live account?

    All you need to open the account is to follow this link: Open live account.

    For the detailed guidelines for account registration, please read on How to open an account – A step-by-step tutorial.

  • How long does it take to open an account?

    To register a new account takes 3 minutes maximum. After registration, you will receive an email with your login details.

  • Do I need to send any documents to support my account?

    Yes you do. We need a copy of a valid passport or ID card as proof of identity with a recent photograph. Secondly, as proof of residence, we need a utility bill (gas, electricity, water etc.) not older than three months. You may also send a bank statement which states your address.

  • Can I trade without sending documents?

    No you cannot. The account needs to be validated before you are able to trade.

  • Can I have a swap-free account?

    Of course you can. IMMFX Offers Swap Free Accounts for both Muslims and non Muslims.

  • I have changed leverage from my account but the Oil and Dow still have the same leverage

    Leverage on Currencies, Gold, Silver are changeable and you can request to change it from your IMMFX BackOffice. However, Oil, Gas and Stock Market Indices have fixed leverage that can’t be changed.

  • How do I change my leverage option?

    All account information can be changed from Secure Members Area. In order to change your Leverage option, click on ‘My Accounts‘ from menu Tab. Select your preferred trading account (Hint: Click on account number). You need to click on ‘Edit’ under your leverage option.

  • I forgot my password, what do I do?

    When you visit the Secure IMMFX Members Area click on ‘Forgot your password?’ button. Provide your registered email address that you used while opening your trading account with IMMFX and click on ‘RESET‘. You’ll receive a confirmation email, click on ‘Reset Password’ button from that email and you’ll be redirected to the page where you can set a new password for your account.

  • How can I change my password?

    Go to the Secure IMMFX Members Area and log in using your credentials,  click on ‘Profile’ tab and select the option ‘Change Password‘ from your Personal Information section.

  • What is the minimum deposit?

    There is a minimum of $100 to open a Prime Account. Learn more about IMMFX Prime Account.

  • Are there any service fees when funding the online forex trading account?

    IMMFX DOES NOT charge any service fee when funding your forex trading account via bank wire transfer. The Bank might charge a very minimum (usually at fix USD $10) inward remittance fee for wire transfer depending on the source of fund.

  • How to submit my verification documents?

    After creating your live trading account, it’s time to verify your identity and address. For verifying Personal Identification, you need a copy of a valid passport or ID card as proof of identity with a recent photograph. Secondly, for Address Verification, you need a utility bill (gas, electricity, water etc.) not older than three months. You may also send a bank statement which states your address.

    How to upload documents and verify your account

    Uploading your documents to verify your forex trading accounts can be done with 3 easy steps and takes only a few minutes.

    • Login your IMMFX BackOffice or visit: https://my.immfx.com/
    • Click on Documents from the TOP menu.

    Address verification:

    1. From the ‘My Documents’ table, click on ‘Upload Icon’ from the first row of the Actions column.
    2. Now from the popup window, click on ‘choose file’ button and select the file from your computer folder.
    3. For address Verification, you need a utility bill (gas, electricity, water etc.) not older than three months. You may also send a bank statement which states your address.
    4. After selecting the file from your computer, click on ‘Upload’ button.
    5. Your verification request will be sent to our concerned department and will be approved if correct.

    Personal identification

    1. From the ‘My Documents’ table, click on ‘Upload Icon’ from the second row of the Actions column.
    2. Now from the popup window, click on ‘choose file’ button and select the file from your computer folder.
    3. For personal Identification, You need a copy of a valid passport or ID card as proof of identity with a recent photograph.
    4. After selecting the file from your computer, click on ‘Upload’ button.
    5. Your verification request will be sent to our concerned department and will be approved if correct.

    Please note that:

    You cannot start trading on live account without sending documents for verification. The account needs to be validated before you are able to trade.


  • Where is your head office situated?

    We are Saint Vincent regulated and registered financial company and our main office located in Suite 305 Griffith Corporate Centre, Beachmont, Kingstown, Saint Vincent. and we have an operation office in Istanbul Turkey. You can see the full details at our Contact Us page.

Forex basics

  • Is forex an expensive habit?

    There are often no commissions and limited fees with Forex trading. This does not mean that it cannot be expensive. It is up to the investor how much money he or she is willing to invest in trading. If you feel that you are being pressured into investing more than you are comfortable with, it may be in your best interests to look into a new broker. If you feel that you are losing control of your habit and that it is becoming almost an addiction, you might want to look into counseling for gambling.

  • Is forex trading lucrative?

    There is always the potential to make a large amount of money on the Foreign Exchange Market. It can be very lucrative to those brokers who make it a point to follow their strategy, do their homework and research each move before making it. This is not an easy or surefire way to make money though, and there is the risk of losing big just as there is the potential to score big.

  • How can I manage my risks in the most efficient way?

    There will always be risks when trading in the Foreign Exchange Market. The only way to prevent any loss is to not trade. When looking to limit the losses, it is important to begin by putting a stop loss on any account that is failing. It is also important to follow your strategy and know when to walk away. There are many articles that will help you to determine the best way to manage your risks efficiently.

  • What do terms like “Bid”, “Spread” and “Rollover” mean?

    There are many different terms that are used in the Foreign Exchange Market. These terms have specific definitions and use. To find the right use and definition of a term used in the Forex, please Google for Forex Glossary online and you will have your answer.

  • How are the prices of the currencies determined?

    There are many different factors that change the price of the currency. Political stability, economic stability, and ability, as well as the interest rates and inflation rates, are all different factors that can affect the Foreign Exchange Market. A country can change their own rate by buying out or selling some of their stocks in order to increase or decrease their standings. There is no single factor that can affect the currencies.

  • What is the best way to learn forex?

    It is essential that a person researches the Forex market before attempting to engage in trading. A great way to start is to read our articles section, gain some knowledge and start off. Another way out is to engage in a simulation program. This will allow you to practice different strategies without risking any of your money.

  • What do I need to start forex trading?

    There are no licenses or other requirements to start trading. It is possible for someone to sign onto a Forex trading site and begin with nothing but luck and some money. However, it is advisable that a person starts out by learning as much as possible about Forex strategies, the factors that can change the Forex and the most important, a reliable broker. There is a lot to be gained from the Forex Exchange Market but there is also a lot that can be lost if a person attempts to trade while not being properly prepared.

  • How often are forex trades made?

    As there are no commissions that brokers charge when a new position is opened and since the trades are not made in a centralized location and are made between individuals, the exact numbers are impossible to determine. A recent survey put to Forex traders shows that each one of them usually changes positions around 10-20 times every day.

  • How long are forex positions maintained?

    This usually depends on the preferences and strategy of the traders. If we go by the statistics, more than 80% of the forex trades last within a week. And more than 40% last for up to two days only. Usually, positions are closed by the forex traders when they have their lucrative targets in relation to that trade. Stop Loss is initiated when a trader reaches the maximum loss he/she can afford. Or, they make available a new position if the trader is interested in the allocation of their funds.

  • How does forex trading compare to stocks or mutual funds?

    There is a lot of similarity between stocks and forex. However, the only difference is that forex normally involves trading for a shorter term, in comparison to other markets. Forex traders often avert leaving their positions open even when they are not active in the market, which charges them a “Rollover Fee.” Also, the forex market is more vast than the stock market, so it becomes more difficult to master the trade in the latter.

  • Is forex trading risky?

    All trading is risky. The risk is tempered by the amount of money that you invest into the exchange market. However, there are many techniques and tools that a person can use to limit the risk, but even the best-laid plans can cause significant risk and loss. A good way to experience the Foreign Exchange Market without the risk is to use a demo account for an extended period of time before dabbling in the real exchange market. This will allow you to see the risk without actually risking your money.

  • How does forex trading work?

    Forex trading involves trading one currency against the other. An example of this would include a purchase of Canadian money using the American Dollar or using the Yen to purchase a Euro. The most often traded currency pairs are: EUR/JPY, CAD/USD, EUR/USD, USD/JPY, etc.

  • What is forex trading?

    Forex is the foreign currency trading exchange market. It is also known as the FX and the Foreign Exchange Market. With more than three trillion dollars traded every day, this lucrative market trades the currencies of the world.

Funding / withdrawal

  • How to withdraw funds from my trading account?

    To withdraw funds from your VertexFX account, please do the following:

    1. Login to your account at https://my.immfx.com
    2. Go to Transfers
    3. Go to Internal Transfer
    4. Select your Trading Account in “From Account”
    5. Select your Landing Account in “To Account”
    6. Enter the amount you want to transfer
    7. Click Submit

    Once the Internal Transfer has been approved, you will see the funds credited to your landing account.

    If you wish to withdraw the amount to your bank account, you can request a fund withdrawal from your Landing Account through Wire Transfer.

    Note: You can only withdraw your initial investment back to your source method that you used in for its deposit. The profits earned shall be withdrawn via Wire Transfer.

    See Step-by-Step Tutorial for the complete details.

  • How to fund my trading account?

    To transfer funds from your Landing Account to your VertexFX account, please do the following:

    1. Login to your account at https://my.immfx.com
    2. Go to Transfers
    3. Go to Internal Transfer
    4. Select your Landing Account in “From Account
    5. Select your Trading Account in “To Account
    6. Enter the amount you want to transfer
    7. Click Submit

    Once the Internal Transfer has been approved, you will see the funds credited to your trader account in VertexFX.

    See Step-by-Step Tutorial for the complete details.

  • How to withdraw funds from my account?

    Withdrawing funds from your IMMFX account is simple and swift. In accordance with internal and regulatory procedures IMMFX only uses safe and secure processes to withdraw your funds.

    To execute a withdrawal from your IMMFX trading account, you must have uploaded supporting documents and verified your trading account.

    Simply login to the Secure IMMFX ‘Trader Cabinet’ and click on Documents tab to upload your supporting documents (proof of your identity and address) and once your trading account is validated you will be able to withdraw funds direct from your trading account.

    How to perform a withdrawal?

    1. Log in to the Secure ‘Trader Cabinet’ and click on the Transfer tab from the Top Menu.
    2. Select the option according to how you wish to make a withdrawal.
    3. Click on Withdraw Funds from the right-side menu.
    4. Select your trading account and your preferred Payment method.
    5. Enter the amount you wish to withdraw and submit the request.
    6. The requested amount will be automatically deducted from your trading account.

    In order to protect all third parties against fraud and comply with the regulations, IMMFX will only process a withdrawal/refunds back to the source of the original deposit according to the below withdrawal priority procedure:

    1. The amount deposited can be withdrawn to the source account.
    2. Trading profits shall be withdrawn to bank account via Wire Transfer.
    3. To withdraw funds using Wire Transfer, please update your Funding Sources in your profile.

    All withdrawal requests will be executed within 24 working hours; however, once the withdrawal request is submitted will be instantly reflected in the client’s trading account as pending withdrawals.

    In case a client selects an incorrect withdrawal method, the clients’ request will be processed according to the Withdrawal Priority Procedure mentioned above.

    All client withdrawal requests shall be processed in the same currency in which the deposit was originally made. If the deposit currency differs from the transfer currency, the transfer amount will be converted by IMMFX into the transfer currency at the current exchange rate.

    Note: Withdrawals can be made by IMMFX account holders only – IMMFX doesn’t accept third party transfers.

  • How to deposit funds to my account?


    IMMFX offers a variety of simple and safe methods for you to deposit fund to your trading account, such as bank wire, FasaPay, i-Account, MoneyGram, MoneyPolo, OKpay, PayCo, Payza, Perfect Money, UnionPay, Western Union, UAE, and many others.

    How to deposit funds?

    1. Login to the Secure Members Area (https://my.immfx.com), select TRANSFERS tab from the Menu.
    2. Navigate to the ‘Fund Account’ option from the right side menu.
    3. Select the option according to how you wish to make a withdrawal.
    4. Select your preferred Payment/deposit methods.
    5. Select which account you want to deposit in.
    6. Enter the amount you wish to deposit.
    7. Write down any notes, if you have one (optional).
    8. Press the submit button.
    9. The requested amount will be automatically added to your trading account.

    For the complete details, please visit Deposit Funds to Account: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

  • Can I withdraw using any payment method?

    Yes, but only the same amount deposited using the same payment method.

    For instance, if the trader deposits $1000 through Bitcoin, he can only withdraw up to $1000 through Bitcoin. The profits gained through trading shall be withdrawn through any accepted payment processor by IMMFX. You can ask our support team for this.

  • What documents do you need to process withdrawals? Do you accept driving license as proof of ID? What details on IDs should be visible?

    We prefer passport as first option and driving license as proof of ID.

    Clear photo, date of birth, date of issue, date of expiry, must be at least valid for 6 months and issuing authority along with issued ID number all must be viewed on the ID card.

    Please note that in order to fully approve your account, you must upload your most recent updated KYC documents:

    1. A valid scanned colored copy of your passport or any Government ID showing your full legal name, date of birth, date of issuance and expiry date.

    2. A scanned colored copy of under three months old (POR) proof of residence; any of the following: Bank statements, utility, water, hydro, internet bill, rental agreement or telephone bill with full address shown.

    All documents must be authenticated by your verified known local Apostle as well as by the ministry of foreign affairs of your country of residence.

    Trader is automatically assigned to a Personal Account Manager; therefore, Trader must provide a real phone number in order to be contacted and be verified for authenticity by the dedicated Personal Manager.

    Note all profits can only be withdrawn to your local bank account in your country of residence where your bank account must be holding the same POR address.

  • What bonuses do you have? Do you provide bonus automatically or I should request it? Can you add a bonus without my request? How can I remove bonus from my account? Can I withdraw money without any special conditions if I didn’t get a bonus?

    We offer 20% of your each deposit as a bonus, you should request it and it will be cancelled as 20% of your withdrawn fund, you should read our bonus terms and conditions from time to time.

  • Do you hold client’s money on 30-60 days before first withdrawal?

    No, we don’t have any restrictions on that as long as you are committed to our T&C.

  • How to transfer funds between trading accounts?

    If you have more than one trading account and wants to transfer fund from one account to another, you can easily do that from your IMMFX BackOffice.

    Follow below steps:

    1. Login to your trader panel by visiting https://my.immfx.com
    2. Click on ‘Transfer’ tab from the top menu options.
    3. Click on ‘Internal Transfer’ tab from your right side menus.
    4. From Account: Select your main trading account where you want to transfer the funds from.
    5. To Account: Now select the account where you want to transfer the funds.
    6. Amount: Enter the amount for transfer.
    7. Notes: If you would like to write any notes for future references, you can write it here.
    8. Click ‘Submit’ to complete your process.

    Internal transfer has been successfully completed. You’ll see your balance on your new account added instantly.

  • How to provide your bank details for withdrawal?

    If you want to add/edit a new bank account or account details, you can do that easily from your BackOffice panel.

    Follow below steps:

    1. Login to your member panel by visiting https://my.immfx.com/
    2. Click on ‘Profile’ tab from the Top menu.
    3. On the next page, click on ‘Funding Sources’ tab from your right side menu.
    4. Now click on ‘Add Funding Source’ following as marked on the image. A new popup window will appear.
    5. Source Name: Enter any name as you wish.
    6. Source Type: You can select only Bank account.
    7. Bank name: Enter exact, and full name of your Bank.
    8. Account number: Enter your bank account number here.
    9. Beneficiary name: If you have any beneficiary, you can enter the name here.
    10. Swift Code: You shall provide the BIC Number or SWIFT code of your bank here.
    11. Bank Address: Provide the address of your bank here.
    12. City, Country, and Postal Code: Provide as required.
    13. This bank requires an intermediary: If you required, click on box to enable this option and fill the details.
    14. Click on ‘Add Source’ button to submit your details.

  • How to deposit funds via wire transfer?

    IMMFX offers a variety of simple and safe methods for you to deposit fund to your trading account, such as bank wire, FasaPay, i-Account, MoneyGram, MoneyPolo, OKpay, PayCo, Payza, Perfect Money, UnionPay, Western Union, UAE, and many others.

    Depositing Funds to your IMMFX account using Wire transfer is very easy. This article will illustrate how simple it is to deposit funds to your trading account.

    1. Login to the Secure Members Area (https://my.immfx.com), select Transfers tab from the Top Menu.
    2. Navigate to the ‘Fund Account’ option from the right-side menu.
    3. Select Your preferred BANK account from the ‘From Account’ option. If you wish to deposit fund from a new bank account which is added in the list, click on ‘add new bank account’.
    4. Select which account you want to deposit in. The “Landing account” is your primary account for any kind of transaction. However, you can deposit funds direct to your ‘Trading Account’ in order to trade with that fund in the platform.
    5. Enter the amount you wish to deposit.
    6. Select Broker Receiving account. You must choose a bank account that you wish to send the funds.
    7. Notes: Write down any comment or details, if you have one (optional).
    8. Press the submit button.
    9. Funding instructions will be sent via email to the address associated with your account. Now you need to follow that instruction to send the wire transfer to deposit funds to your account.

    That’s it! You’re done depositing fund to your IMMFX account using Wire Transfer. The amount will be credited to your account once our Finance team has reviewed and confirmed your payment.

    Important note: In order to comply with Anti-Money Laundering Regulation we do not accept third party transfers. Funds received must match the name of the account holder.

    If you have any questions throughout the process, please don’t hesitate to contact our support for assistance.

  • How to deposit funds via perfect money?

    Depositing Funds to your IMMFX account using Perfect Money is very easy. This article will illustrate how simple it is to deposit funds to your trading account.

    1. Login to the Secure Members Area (https://my.immfx.com), select Transfers tab from the Top Menu.
    2. Navigate to the ‘Fund Account’ option from the right-side menu.
    3. Select ‘Perfect Money’ from the drop down menu of ‘From Account’ option.
    4. Select which account you want to deposit in. The “Landing account” is your primary account for any kind of transaction. However, you can deposit funds direct to your ‘Trading Account’ in order to trade with that fund in the platform.
    5. Enter the amount you wish to deposit.
    6. Notes: Write down any comment or details, if you have one (optional).
    7. Press the submit button.
    8. You’ll be redirected to a secure Perfect Money transaction page where you need to enter your IMMFX account email or Landing account no in the first box, your Perfect Money account number in the next box, and the amount to deposit in the last box.
    9. Click on ‘Submit’ button. You’ll be redirected to secure Perfect Money Checkout page.
    10. You can review your Payment details in this page and if everything is okay click on ‘Make a Payment’ button from the below.
    11. From the next screen, you need to Authorize the Payment by entering your Perfect Money ‘Member ID’ & ‘Password’. You can also write a short memo here for future references.
    12. Write down the Turing Number in the text field to verify your entry and click on ‘Review Payment’
    13. From the Next screen, review your payment and hit on Submit.

  • How to withdraw funds via wire transfer?

    1. Login to the Secure Members Area (https://my.immfx.com), select Transfers tab from the Top Menu.
    2. Navigate to the ‘Withdraw Funds’ option from the right-side menu.
    3. Select your Landing account from which you want to make the withdraw. If your money is still in your trading account, perform ‘Internal Transfer’ to transfer your fund from trading account to landing account.
    4. Select your Bank Account in the ‘To Account’ option. If you wish to withdraw funds to a new bank account which isn’t already added in the list, click on ‘add new bank account’.
    5. Enter your withdraw amount in the amount field.
    6. If you want to add any notes for future references write it down in the note field.
    7. Hit ‘Submit’ button.

    That’s it. You withdraw request has been successfully submitted and is pending approval.

  • How to withdraw funds via Perfect Money?

    1. Login to the Secure Members Area (https://my.immfx.com), select Transfers tab from the Top Menu.
    2. Navigate to the ‘Withdraw Funds’ option from the right-side menu.
    3. Select your Landing account from which you want to make the withdraw. If your money is still in your trading account, perform ‘Internal Transfer’ to transfer your fund from trading account to landing account.
    4. Now Select PerfectMoney from ‘To Account’ option.
    5. Enter your withdraw amount in the amount field.
    6. If you want to add any notes for future references write it down in the note field.
    7. Hit ‘Submit’ button.
    8. You’ll be redirected to a new page where you need to fillup another form.
    9. Enter your PerfectMoney account’s First Name & Last name, your PerfectMoney email, address and phone number. In the last two fields, provide your IMMFX landing account number and your PerfectMoney account number.
    10. Hit Submit button.

    That’s it. Your withdraw request is send and will be handled by our finance department.

  • How to review my account statement?

    You can read three types of statements from your BackOffice. The Quick Reports section lets you have a statement report for your Account, Deposit/withdraw, and a Summary report.

    1. Login your IMMFX secure BackOffice Panel. Visit: https://my.immfx.com/
    2. Now navigate to the Quick Reports section.
    3. Report Type: Select which type of report you would like to read. Account Statement, Summery Report, or Deposit/Withdrawal report.
    4. Account: Select your trading account here.
    5. Date Range: Select starting and ending date for your report.
    6. Click on ‘Run Report’
    7. Your report will be opened on a new Tab.

VertexFX / mobile

  • Does IMMFX VertexFX runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS, iPhone/iPad and Android OS?

    Obviously our VertexFX platform works beautifully with Windows, Linux, and Mac OS, iPhone/iPad and Android operating system. If you are facing problem of launching the software, please un-install the current VertexFX and re-install it again. Shortcut will be added to the Desktop / home screen.

    And, we also have different application for both iPhone and Android devices. If you still face any problem, feel free to contact our support team.

  • How to add an expert advisor or script?

    To add an Expert Advisor or Script, please do the following:

    1. In your VertexFX application, go to File.
    2. Go to Open Data Folder and open MQL4 folder.
    3. Open the Experts/Scripts folder and paste the script you will use.
    4. On the Navigator section, press right click and select Refresh. Or you may simply close and restart your VertexFX 4 application.
    5. You will now see your script in the Navigation Section.
    6. You can attach them to the chart and press Auto Trading button located at the top bar of the application.

  • Why do I get off quote error when placing my order?

    Off Quote error in VertexFX appears when you try to set your order limits to a certain price but the price has already moved to a different value when you placed it.

    For example, you want to buy a pair at 1.1000 but when you submitted your order to the market, the price became 1.1100. In this case, your order is rejected because there is too much difference with what you ask.

    To avoid this issue, please make sure your trading limits are valid before you place your order.

  • Do you offer one-click trading?

    Yes, we allow one-click trading in our VertexFX platform.

  • Where can I download the MetaTrader software?

    To download the MetaTrader software, please click here and fill out the demo sign-up form. Once completed you will be prompted to download and install MetaTrader.

  • How do I insert chart indicators?

    The steps are as follows:

    1. On the top Menu bar, select INSERT > INDICATORS.
    2. You can also navigate to the Navigator section and insert chart indicators from there.

  • How do I add my custom indicators onto my trading platform?

    This file will have to be of the .mql format – meaning it has to end with .mql.

    **For this example the indicator we want to add will be called test_indicator.mql.**

    The steps are as follows:

    1. Save this file to the following folder, using ‘Save As’: C:Program FilesIMMFX-VertexFX expertsindicators
    2. After saving, find the file test_indicator.mql in that folder. The symbol for a .mql file is a yellow diamond with an exclamation mark inside it.
    3. Next restart MetaTrader and find the new indicator in VertexFX Navigator to the left side, in the Custom Indicators folder.
    4. To add the indicator to a chart, simply select a chart, then double-click on the indicator in the Custom Indicators folder, select any non-default values you would like to have modified, then select OK.

  • How do I display a bar chart?

    On the top Menu bar, select CHARTS > BAR CHART or use the keyboard shortcut (Alt+1).

  • Does the MetaTrader platform facilitate mini lot (10K) trading?

    Yes you can trade mini lots (10K) using the VertexFX platform.

    Here is the scale that we use for trading lot sizes on MetaTrader:

    0.01 lots = 1,000 units of base currency (or dollars) Our “micro” lot size.

    0.10 lots = 10,000 units of base currency (or dollars) Our “mini” lot size.

    1.00 lots = 100,000 units of base currency (or dollars) Our “standard” lot size.

    **Please note that trading in lot sizes that are not shown in the scale above is possible. An example would be an open a lot position of 0.60 (60,000 units), an 8.00 lot position (800,000 units), and even a 3.20 lot position (320,000 units).

    **Also, note that other brokers may use a different scale to trade certain size lots. For instance, another broker may show 1.00 lots on a mini account is 10,000 units

  • How do I change the time period on the VertexFX charts?

    To add time periods to the main menu bar, select VIEW > TOOLBARS > PERIODICITY. (If needed) Use the following legend for applying time periods to charts:

    M1 = 1 minute chart

    M5 = 5 minute chart

    M15 = 15 minute chart

    M30 = 30 minute chart

    H1 = 1 hour chart

    H4 = 4 hour chart

    D1 = daily chart

    W1 = weekly chart

    MN = monthly chart

  • How do I see all the currency pairs that IMMFX offers?

    Within the Market Watch window, all of the currency pairs eligible to trade can be viewed by right-clicking within this section and selecting ‘Show All’. All currency pairs will appear thereafter

  • I’ve downloaded the VertexFX platform. How do I log into my live account and start trading?

    An email notification with a login name and password will be sent (i.e. Login: “60141” Password: “as4temp”). Download and install the platform. Open the login screen. Note that a screen may open that asks to open an account. “X” out of this screen.

    • To login, go to FILE > LOGIN and type your login and password.
    • The server field has a drop-down menu, select the following server: ‘IMMFX-VertexFX Live Server’.
    • Listen for a DING sound (confirmation noise) and your account number will appear in the top left corner of the platform.

    If you see prices moving in Market Watch and the correct balance in your Terminal section, you have successfully logged into your live account. If you are experiencing problems logging in, please contact us.

  • How to add a trading account in BackOffice?

    1. Login to your IMMFX BackOffice or visit the URL immfx.com and click on ‘My Accounts’ from the top menu.
    2. From the next window, click on ‘Add USD Account’. If you want to create an account using another currency, you’ve to open a ‘New Landing Account’ with that currency.
    3. A popup window will appear next.
    4. From the account type option select ‘Trading Account’, select ‘Meta Trader 4’ as your platform; click all the boxes to agree with all our agreements. In the Signature box, write your ‘First Name’ and ‘Last Name’ and click on ‘Confirm Signature’ button to submit an electronic signature. Once the signature is verified, enter your password in the password box and click on ‘Add Account’.
    5. A new USD trading account will be created successfully for your specified landing account. You may now transfer your funds to that trading account and start trading right away.

  • How to rename a trading account?

    For various reasons, you may want to rename your trading account. Follow the below steps in order to rename your trading account from your IMMFX BackOffice.

    Changing MT4 password from IMMFX BackOffice

    Renaming your Trading account from your user panel takes only 2 minutes to complete with just 5 simple steps.

    1. Login to your IMMFX client area by visiting: my.immfx.com
    2. After logging in, click on to the ‘My Accounts’ from Top primary menus.
    3. Click on your preferred trading account which you want to change the password for.
    4. From the next page, look into Account Name section and click on ‘rename account’ option. A new popup window will appear.
    5. Enter a new name for your trading account in the ‘Account Name’ Section and hit ‘Save Changes’ button.

  • How to change VertexFX password?

    Steps in changing MetaTrader 4 password:

    1. Login to my.immfx.com
    2. Go to My Accounts
    3. Click on your Trading Account number
    4. In the MetaTrader4 section, click Change Password
    5. Provide the new password and save

Partnership program

  • Can I add commission or markup spread?

    In regards to adding a markup, we have several considerations:

    In order to have a markup approved, we want to see business activity from the IB. We want to see clients and deposits coming in to show us that you are serious and the extra work involved is beneficial to all parties.

    We would like to know for what reasons – other than earning more money – that you wish to have a markup. What extra services will you be offering to give your IB services that added value? Partly we ask this as our business model is set such that we want traders to have the best trading conditions – spread and commission – possible. The theory goes that if you make attract trading environment, clients will trade more and therefore more money can be earned rather than having high spreads and/or charges, and just “burning” clients.

    Lastly, if a markup is approved, any clients who register under you must be informed that there is a markup applied when registering.

    If you are able to meet the above criteria, we can certainly begin to move forward once you have started to introduce clients to us. Any markup request can be discussed after 3-6 months trading/IB history.

  • How much is the affiliate’s commission for trading account?

    The Affiliate’s commission for each account type are as follows:


    Commission per turn round lot

    Accounts Prime Account
    mt4_instruments_icon.png FX Majors $6
    mt4_instruments_icon.png FX Crosses $6
    mt4_instruments_icon.png FX Exotic $6
    mt4_instruments_icon.png Gold $6
    mt4_instruments_icon.png Silver $6
    mt4_instruments_icon.png CFDs -Cash $6
    mt4_instruments_icon.png Stocks 0.05%
    mt4_instruments_icon.png Cryptos 0.05%
  • Is there BackOffice or member area for my affiliate/partner account?

    Yes, you’ll have your BackOffice / Member are for your affiliate/partner account. Trader account and partner account are completely separate in our system. To log in your Affiliate / Partner account, you can simply click on ‘Partner Login’ option from the top of our Website or visit this URL: https://my.immfx.com/partner/login

  • My clients can’t open an account through my affiliate Link

    You need to set up your Fee Group and make at least one Fee Group as primary.

    If your primary Fee Group is Prime Account-IB then your client will open Prime Account automatically.

    Of course your client can change their preference account type by sending emails to support@immfx.com under the term and conditions of each selected account.

  • Do you provide banners for affiliate marketing?

    Of course, we provide necessary marketing materials for our AB (Affiliate Brokers) partners. You can get necessary banners to promote IMMFX on your site from here: https://immfx.com/banners/

  • Where is my affiliate link?

    You’ll get the instructions on how to get your affiliate links at the time of registration. However, if you haven’t saved that link at the time of registration, you can simply request for your Partner-link from here: https://immfx.com/partners-link/

    You can also get your affiliate link by simply following these steps:

    • Login to your IMMFX Backoffice
    • Click on ‘Profile’ from the top menu.
    • Now click on ‘Marketing’ option and you’ll see your affiliate link there.

  • How to open an introducing broker account?

    Opening an IB (Introducing Broker) account with your favorite IMMFX broker is very simple and takes only a few minutes. IMMFX offers the highest commissions to its IB Partners.  Simply, the registration process goes through the following easy steps:

    • Register to open an IB Partner account in only 3 minutes.
    • Wait for your data and your identity to be fully verified by our compliance team.
    • Request your partnership marketing gateway link.
    • Get rewarded, start your own marketing and promotional campaigns and make money.

    Visit the link https://my.immfx.com/account/partner and start opening your IB account now.

    Sign up – Step 1

    • Preferred Language: Select your speaking language here.
    • Which account: Choose ‘Asset Manager’ from the dropdown option.
    • Account type: The available options are Individual, Join, and Corporate.
    • First Name & Last Name: Write down your name here.
    • Country: Select your country of residence.
    • Email Address: Enter email address that you want to sign up with
    • Telephone number: Enter your Mobile number following given format.

    Step 2: Enter individual account information

    Account settings

    • Account Platform: Select MetaTrader 4
    • Currency: Select USD from the dropdown option.
    • Password: Enter a new password for your account here.

    Personal information

    • Title & Name: Select your Title and Enter your name here. Your first name and last name will be already filled out from previous stage.
    • Date of Birth: Confirm your date of birth from the dropdown calendar.
    • Phone password: Enter a new password here which you need to verify later when calling a phone support.
    • ID Information: The available options are Passport, Driving License and Government ID. Select your ID type and enter it’s number on the next field.
    • Employment Status, Industry, and Occupation: Give your employment details here.

    Contact information:

    • Residential Address: Provide necessary information regarding your present residential address.
    • Previous Address: If you have not resided at the above address more than 24 months this section must be completed.
    • Banking Information: Provide your detail banking information here. You can use this bank account to deposit or withdraw your funds to/from your IMMFX account.
    • Financial Information: Provide some extra information regarding annual invoice, net worth and investment issues.
    • Trading Experience: In this section you can provide some information regarding your online trading experience on Forex, Shares, Bonds, CFDs and others.
    • Other Information: Few extra information regarding your trading.
    • Due Diligence: Provide some information regarding your Forex business here. Number of employees, your website, etc.
    • Client Details: How many clients do you have on your list? How much they can invest now? Provide these information here.
    • 90 Day Projection: In upcoming 90days, what’s your business projection with us? Give us your next 90day business projection.
    • Click on ‘Continue – Step 3’ button to proceed next.

    Agreements – Step 3

    • Read the Agreements that includes all the terms and policies regarding your AM business with us and click on the ‘I have read and agree to these terms’ to agree with our terms and conditions.
    • Click on ‘Continue – Step 4’ button to proceed next.

    Sign up – Review

    Review your all information again here to confirm if all of them are correctly provided. If everything is fine and right, click on the SUBMIT button from the bottom of the page.

    Congratulations! Your registration is Successful and now you may login using your credentials (email & password).

  • How to upload documents and verify my IB account?

    After creating your IB (Introducing Broker) account, it’s time to verify your identity and address. For verifying Personal Identification, you need a copy of a valid passport or ID card as proof of identity with a recent photograph. Secondly, for Address Verification, you need a utility bill (gas, electricity, water etc.) not older than three months. You may also send a bank statement which states your address.

    How to Upload documents and verify your account

    Uploading your documents to verify your forex trading accounts can be done with 3 easy steps and takes only a few minutes.

    • Login your IMMFX BackOffice or visit: https://my.immfx.com/Partner/login
    • Click on Documents from the top menu.

    Address verification:

    1. From the ‘My Documents’ table, click on ‘Upload Icon’ from the first row of the Actions column.
    2. Now from the popup window, click on ‘choose file’ button and select the file from your computer folder.
    3. For address Verification, you need a utility bill (gas, electricity, water etc.) not older than three months. You may also send a bank statement which states your address.
    4. After selecting the file from your computer, click on ‘Upload’ button.
    5. Your verification request will be sent to our concerned department and will be approved if correct.

    Personal identification

    1. From the ‘My Documents’ table, click on ‘Upload Icon’ from the second row of the Actions column.
    2. Now from the popup window, click on ‘choose file’ button and select the file from your computer folder.
    3. For address Verification, You need a copy of a valid passport or ID card as proof of identity with a recent photograph.
    4. After selecting the file from your computer, click on ‘Upload’ button.
    5. Your verification request will be sent to our concerned department and will be approved if correct.

    That’s it. You’re done verifying your AM account. Now you can easily bring new clients to our platform using your marketing tools and make money.

  • How to setup a fee group?

    Once your IB account is approved by our admin you’ll see a ‘Fee Group’ set your for account. By default, ‘ Prime Account-IB’ will be your primary FeeGroup and all of your client accounts will be opened under this account type automatically. However, you can obviously change the primary FeeGroup from your BackOffice.

    Follow the steps below:

    1. Login to your IMMFX secure BackOffice panel. Visit: https://my.immfx.com/Partner/login
    2. Click on ‘Profile’ tab from the top menu option.
    3. From the profile page, click on ‘Fee Group Management’ tab from your left side menu.
    4. You’ll see a list of FeeGroup linked to your account. By default Prime Account-IB will be your Primary FeeGroup.
    5. To change your FeeGroup, click on ‘Make Primary’ button on your selected FeeGroup. Your request will be verified and approved by Admin.
    6. If you want to hide/disable any FeeGroup from your listing, you can click on Action button and make it hide.

    Please note that, if you as IB don’t set a primary fee group then VertexFX platform will not be visible in field when the client register to open an account. So you must set a FeeGroup for your IB account at first.

  • How to review my review my revenue statement?

    As an IB of IMMFX, you can read and download your revenue statement directly from your BackOffice panel.

    1. Login your IMMFX secure member area. Visit: https://my.immfx.com/Partner/login
    2. Click on ‘My Accounts’ from Top menu option.
    3. From my account page, now click on your Account Number as marked on above image.
    4. You’re on your Account Details page.
    5. Now Click on ‘Download’ button from Quick Reports section. A popup window will appear next.
    6. Select your custom Dates Range for your reports.
    7. Mark on ‘Detailed Revenue Report’ and click ‘Download Report’ button.
    8. Your reports will be downloaded in a Microsoft excel sheet.
    9. If you want to view your report online on your browser, uncheck the ‘detailed revenue report’ option and click on ‘Download Report’. Your reports will be opened in a new tab like below screenshot.

  • How to add leads to my BackOffice account?

    If you already have a list of your leads, who may become a client easily by offering something exciting, you can list them in your IMMFX BackOffice and work with them easily.

    Follow the below steps:

    1. Login to your IB BackOffice by visiting https://my.immfx.com/Partner/login
    2. Click on the ‘LEADS‘ from the Top menu options.
    3. Now on the Lead page, click ‘New Lead’ button as mark on the image.
    4. A new popup window will appear on screen.
    5. Select title and enter the name of your lead.
    6. Select country and language of your lead.
    7. Enter email address, phone number of your lead.
    8. Select a Account Category for this lead. The available options are Trader, Introducing Broker, and Asset Manager.
    9.If you have any custom notes for this lead, write it down in the note box.
    10. Click on ‘Submit’ button to confirm and save details for this lead.

    Your lead details are saved. You can check and track them now on your lead page anytime.

  • How much is the minimum withdrawal of commissions?

    Minimum withdrawal of commissions is $200.

  • Is there anything that I must first do before I can withdraw my commissions?

    Yes, you must first have 5 active clients within the first 90 days.

  • Is there any fees when withdrawing my commissions?

    Yes, withdrawal of commissions through wire transfer within Turkey, a $20 bank fee will apply. For other countries, a $80 bank fee will apply.

  • How can I save from paying bank transfer fees?

    We allow internal transfer to IB’s clients and collect the cash through them in order to save on bank fees.

  • Why is the minimum transaction size in the Master Account 0.1, while it is 0.01 in the platform for clients who trade on their own?

    The observed transaction size difference is primarily driven by the Asset Manager’s ability to convince investors to join a managed program, for the lot size value to be distributed among a larger number of investors.

    For example, if 10 investors joined the managed program and the AM implemented a transaction with 0.1 lot as the lowest transaction size, then the share of each investor will be 0.01 lot. Also, if the AM had 20 investors and executed a transaction with 0.1 lot as the lowest transaction size, then the share of each investor would be 0,005 lots, and so on, taking into account that this value does not exist in the MetaTrader 4 platform. This is what primarily differentiates self-trading accounts from those under Managed Account Programs.

    The AM’s ability to convince more investors to join their managed program will lead to further distribution of the lot size between investors. If any investor leaves the program, his share of that distribution will be closed in the read-only account on the investor’s BackOffice, while a corresponding value will be closed in the master account traded by the AM.

    For example:

    The AM has set up a managed program that requires 5,000 USD per investor as a minimum investment.

    If this AM had 10 investors and opened a position with 0.1 lot size, then the share of each investor would be 0.01 lot, but if one of the investors left the program, 0.01 lot would be closed in his read-only account on BackOffice and at the same time, 0.01 lot would be closed the Master account, this value already exists and can be closed. Likewise, if the AM has 20 investors and the manager opens a position with 0.1 lots, then the share of each investor will be 0.005 lots. If one of the investors leave, 0.005 lots appearing in his account in BackOffice will be closed.

    At the same time, a value must be closed for this volume in the master account. However, this value does not really exist, which will lead to a close 0.01 lot, then the remaining size of the deal will be 0.09 lots, which is appropriate for the rest of the investors and will not cause their accounts to be closed. Based on the foregoing, the AM must carefully plan when conducting a managed program.

    While from the other side…

    If the lowest transaction size the AM can implement in the master account is 0.01 lots, it will equally be distributed among investors. If there were 10 investors, each share would be 0.001, but if one of them leaves the program, then this volume will be closed in their individual account in the BackOffice while in the master account does not have a value for this size which leads to the closing of 0.01 lot as lowest size. In this case, if the size of the transaction will not remain appropriate for the rest of the investors, then the AM will notice that all their transactions in the master account and all investors accounts are closed whenever one of their investors initiate the leaving process.


  • Do you have negative balance protection?

    Question: Do you have negative balance protection? or my account will be in Minus and you will try to find a way to take more money from me?

    Ans: Yes. IMMFX offers ‘Negative Balance Protiction’ for its traders. Therefore, all your minus balance will be carried by IMMFX and you will not charge for any negative balance.

  • What is your execution Types?

    IMMFX offers ‘Market Executions’ for its traders. 100% No Dealing Desk (NDD). No re-quotes or delays. Straight Through Processing “STP”.

  • Stop loss on my selling position has been executed at higher points than it appeared on Chart. Why?

    High and Low are recorded from BID price on charts, your stop on selling positions will be executed at ASK price in addition to around +3 points. However, there are higher points being recorded on many other pairs.

    Please note that Spreads may vary depending on the the currency pairs and existing market conditions. Since we’re N0-Dealing-Desk broker and our execution type is Straight Through Processing, for that reason, you may not see your stop level on the chart.

  • Stop loss on my buy position has been executed at lower points than it appeared on chart. Why?

    High and Low are recorded from BID price on charts, and your stop loss on Buying positions will be executed at bid price in addition to around -3 points. However, there are lower points being recorded on many other pairs.

    Please note that Spreads may vary depending on the currency pairs and existing market conditions. Since we’re N0-Dealing-Desk broker and our execution type is Straight Through Processing, for that reason, you may not see your stop level on the chart.

  • When my position will be Stop-Out?

    Below 30% margin percentage and larger losing-position will be Stop-Out first.

    For Example, You’ve the following three positions:

    xxxx: – 1000,
    yyyy: -200, and
    zzz: +25,

    and if your account’s margin balance is below 30%, then the -1000 position will be closed first, then -200 and then +25 position.

  • Do I need to download any software before I start trading?

    Yes you do:

    MetaTrader 4: In order to trade using your Personal Computer or Laptop, you need to download powerful IMMFX MetaTrader 4 platform. Learn more about our MT4 Trading platform and Download your platform from HERE.

    Mobile Trading: IMMFX makes available the popular Metatrader 4 trading platform for your Mobile devices. So you can stay easily connected and informed of the latest market movements.  Learn more about our Mobile Trading platform and Download your platform from HERE.

  • What spreads do you offer?

    We offer variable spreads that start from 0.6 Pips. Please note that spreads depend on current market conditions and they may vary causing the spreads to be narrower or wider depending on market conditions and liquidity. Learn more about your Account type and Spread conditions HERE.

  • For how long can I use the Demo Account?

    Our Demo account has no expiry date. The IMMFX Demo Account has been designed to closely simulate a real trading environment based on actual market conditions. Our belief that the Demo trading environment must reflect the Live trading environment as closely as possible. Open your Demo account Now.

  • What are your trading hours?

    The regular trading hours are 24 hours a day from 00:05 Monday to 23:55 Friday. Please note that Gold as a trading instrument has different trading hours, from 1:00 on Monday and closing at 23:50 on Friday.

  • What leverage do you offer?

    We offer a flexible leverage of up to 1:500.

  • Do you close my open positions and placed orders if I go offline?

    We do not interfere with your trades; your positions will not be lost if you go offline as trading continues uninterrupted on the IMMFX trading server.

  • I am a Money Manager managing more than 100 accounts trading the Forex & CFDs market. Does your trading platform supports multiple accounts?

    Yes. In fact, our trading platform is designed for the use of professional money manager which supports multiple accounts with one login. You will see your accounts listed at the Window of the trading platform. You have to click on the particular account before placing a trade. You also can group the accounts together and place the trade with one click of the mouse.

    Our MAM Trading platform is designed specifically for Money Managers that utilize the Metatrader 4 (MT4) platform. It is ideal for traders that manage multiple accounts utilizing Expert Advisors (EAs).

  • What is your platform time zone?

    Our server timezone is subject to Daylight Savings Time (DST), which begins on the last Sunday of March and ends on the last Sunday of October.

    Winter: GMT+2
    Summer: GMT+3 (DST)

    Our trading time is from 00:00 on Sunday until 00:00 GMT on Friday according to our server time.

  • Do you allow scalping and hedging?

    We allow hedging with zero margin, but we don’t allow scalping.

  • What is the maximum trade limit per one trade (long term)?

    As I understood you are asking about how long time we allow your position to stay opened.
    We don’t have restrictions on that at the moment.

  • Do you have some Partner Companies who offer Binary Options Trading?

    No we don’t have any partner company which offer BO trading but we plan to add BO Trading to our services package in the near future soon.

  • Is your swap/roll-over free Forex broker mainly for long term Forex hedge positions for Muslims / Non-Muslims?

    We offer swap free accounts to both muslims and non muslims globally for active traders only. In that regard, IMMFX has terms and conditions on swap free accounts. IMMFX also, requires swap free traders to actively open and close trades.

    ***Part of our KYC (Know Your Client) procedural regulation; you must provide us with a valid telephone number,
    in order to verify you are truly real person and you are not virtual.

    ***Please accept and understand that we are following the FSPC rules and regulations.

  • Do you offer One-Click trading?

    Yes, we allow one-click trading in our MetaTrader 4 platform.

  • How to request a managed account?

    1. Login to your IMMFX BackOffice or visit the URL immfx.com and click on ‘My Accounts’ from the top menu.
    2. From the next window, click on ‘Add USD Account’. If you want to create an account using another currency, you’ve to open a ‘New Landing Account’ with that currency.
    3. A popup window will appear next.
    4. From the account type option select ‘Managed Account’.
    5. In the Signature box, write your ‘First Name’ and ‘Last Name’ and click on ‘Confirm Signature’ button to submit an electronic signature.
    6. Once the signature is verified, enter your password in the password box and click on ‘Add Account’.
    7. A new USD managed account has been successfully requested and is pending approval.

  • How to open an Asset Manager account?

    Opening an AM (Asset Manager) account with your favorite IMMFX broker is very simple and takes only a few minutes. Simply, the registration process goes through the following easy steps:

    • Register to open an AM account in only 3 minutes.
    • Wait for your data and your identity to be fully verified by our compliance team.
    • Request your partnership marketing gateway link.
    • Get rewarded, start your own marketing and promotional campaigns and make money.

    Visit the link https://my.immfx.com/account/partner and start opening your AM account now.

    Sign up – Step 1

    • Preferred Language: Select your speaking language here.
    • Which account: Choose ‘Asset Manager’ from the dropdown option.
    • Account type: The available options are Individual, Join, and Corporate.
    • First Name & Last Name: Write down your name here.
    • Country: Select your country of residence.
    • Email Address: Enter email address that you want to sign up with
    • Telephone number: Enter your Mobile number following given format.

    Step 2: Enter individual account information

    Account settings

    • Account Platform: Select MetaTrader 4
    • Currency: Select USD from the dropdown option.
    • Password: Enter a new password for your account here.

    Personal information

    • Title & Name: Select your Title and Enter your name here. Your first name and last name will be already filled out from previous stage.
    • Date of Birth: Confirm your date of birth from the dropdown calendar.
    • Phone password: Enter a new password here which you need to verify later when calling a phone support.
    • ID Information: The available options are Passport, Driving License and Government ID. Select your ID type and enter it’s number on the next field.
    • Employment Status, Industry, and Occupation: Give your employment details here.

    Contact information:

    • Residential Address: Provide necessary information regarding your present residential address.
    • Previous Address: If you have not resided at the above address more than 24 months this section must be completed.
    • Banking Information: Provide your detail banking information here. You can use this bank account to deposit or withdraw your funds to/from your IMMFX account.
    • Financial Information: Provide some extra information regarding annual invoice, net worth and investment issues.
    • Trading Experience: In this section you can provide some information regarding your online trading experience on Forex, Shares, Bonds, CFDs and others.
    • Other Information: Few extra information regarding your trading.
    • Due Diligence: Provide some information regarding your Forex business here. Number of employees, your website, etc.
    • Client Details: How many clients do you have on your list? How much they can invest now? Provide these information here.
    • 90 Day Projection: In upcoming 90days, what’s your business projection with us? Give us your next 90day business projection.
    • Click on ‘Continue – Step 3’ button to proceed next.

    Agreements – Step 3

    • Read the Agreements that includes all the terms and policies regarding your AM business with us and click on the ‘I have read and agree to these terms’ to agree with our terms and conditions.
    • Click on ‘Continue – Step 4’ button to proceed next.

  • How to set my managed account program?

    After successfully opening your AM partner account with us, not it’s time to set your managed account program to start earning the money. Follow the below steps to set your managed account program on IMMFX BackOffice.

    Set managed account program:

    1. Login to your IMMFX BackOffice secure panel. Visit: https://my.immfx.com/Partner/login
    2. Click on ‘Profile’ tab from the top menu.
    3. From the next page, click on ‘Manage Account Program’ from the right side option.
    4. Now click on ‘New Program’ button to set your first managed account program. A popup window will be appeared.
    5. Program Name: Now give a name for your Program, like swing, long term, investment etc. anything you want.
    6. Minimum deposit: the minimum fund that you need to your client to invest with you like $500 , $1000 , 5K etc.
    7. Deposit Acceptance: how you want receive funds from your clients. The available options are, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, and Annually. If you as set it ‘Daily’ then if a client joins to your program the fund will be in your master account at 17:00 ETC or 21:00 GMT or 00:00 Server time.
    8. Minimum Drawdown: Set a minimum drawdown amount accepted by your client.
    9. Performance Fee: Set the Fee for your performance here. A percentage that will be deducted from your client account at the end of period.
    10. Period: Select a period for your fee structure. The available options are, Monthly, Quarterly, and Yearly.
    11. Select currency, fee group and platform from the dropdown option. In case your currency or platform and fees group don’t show up, contact our Customer Support team to enable your managed account group fees.
    12. Click ‘Add Program’ to submit your new Managed Account Program.

Message us

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IMMFX.COM is a trading name of IMM GROUP LTD. The company is registered as an International Business Company (IBC), with reference no. 118416 (IMM GROUP LTD) under the Laws of The Republic of the Marshall Islands.

DISCLAIMER: High Risk Investment Warning: Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. The high degree of leverage can work against you as well as for you. Before deciding to trade foreign exchange you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss of some or all of your initial investment and therefore you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. You should be aware of all the risks associated with foreign exchange trading, and seek advice from an independent financial advisor if you have any doubts. Please read IMMFX’s full risk disclosure.

IMMFX does not accept clients from the following countries: Eritrea, Ethiopia, Japan, North Korea, South Sudan, and the United States of America.

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